Thursday, July 18, 2013

Rashes = Doctor Time

I definitely have a lot of catching up to do.  On July 2nd my little man woke up with a rash all over his arms.  By the time we got to the doctor it had spread on his legs but wasn't bumpy and he didn't have a fever. 
After a long wait the doctor said that he "didn't know" what could be causing the rash.  I was told to wait it out and see if he got a fever.  Oh and to "put lotion on it".  Thanks doc, that was a waste of money!

But my kid did get to eat a snack!  He thought that he was soooo funny eating the paper off of the table!
Happy Tuesday! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Holidays = Sleepless Nights

I've always loved holidays and I love them even more now with my little boy.  I try to make each one special because he's only young once.  The husby has been getting on to me about ordering him a shirt from Etsy for every holiday but they are too darn cute and I can't resist. 

It's now after 3:30 and I've been awake since 1:30 a.m.  Why?!  Easter will be here very soon and I have A LOT of work to be done! 

I love it when I find things I didn't know I had!  I am always buying clearance things after holidays and storing them away in my bins, only to surprise myself the following year.  I picked up these treat bags last year and I put them to good use.  I did see them last night at Michael's for 1.99 (Wilton bags, 15 ct.).  Garrett loves cheese balls so I filled them up and attached a personalized tag from Etsy!  They will be great party favors for his friends at school!

I saw this idea on Pinterest (my secret addiction), I started collecting the cans (large fruit/veggie cans from Sam's) and almost gave up because I'm not the best at spray painting.  I decided to try and do one this morning/night and I think that they turned out ok.  I'm making one for every kiddo in my class to collect their eggs in this year.  They are a little bit time consuming but I hope they will love them! 
I promise to have more pictures posted soon, I've been slacking a little lately because life has just been so busy!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Super Banana's!

For some odd reason I just can't sleep tonight.  Which is totally unlike me... I can sleep anywhere, anytime!  So what better thing to do besides pick up around the house and fold laundry?!  While I was ironing Garrett's clothes for tomorrow (yes, I do iron his clothes everyday and probably still will when he's 30) I looked over and saw these bananas still on the counter. 
I swear that they are SuperBananas.  No joke.  We bought these magical things on Saturday.  And yes, it has now been six days and they are so green still that we havn't been able to eat a single one!  There is not one yellow spot on them and I'm tempted to buy some more and throw these out because my little monkey is missing his morning "nana"! 
Isn't he perfect?  And yes he does still sleep in bed with me, that's our cuddle time and I know it won't be forever so I'll take all that I can get now!


Monday, February 25, 2013

A Toddler Is Like a Dr. Seuss Book...

A Toddler Is Like A Dr. Seuss Book…

Posted by: on September 26th, 2012

…. You wonder what they’ve been smoking and don’t always know what they’re talking about. Bada-bing!

Here are the top ten ways you know your little babe has transitioned into a toddler.

10. You get to hear Elmo’s Song over and over and over again. Sure, I could hear Welcome To The Jungle on a loop and not get tired of it but at least Axl Rose isn’t a furry, red monster. Oh wait…..

9. Getting your little one to brush their teeth has become a sport of sorts. You chase them around the house while holding their toothbrush like an Olympic torch. When you finally catch them, they scream bloody murder when you get the toothbrush near their mouth.

8. You love going to Target and can spend hours going through the aisles while pretending it’s a mini vacation but your toddler gets restless only a few minutes in and doesn’t want to sit in the cart any longer. You give in and take them out of the cart and then have to go running after them full speed ahead, sometimes having to push the cart aside so you can grab your toddler before they step in front of someone else’s red cart.

7. Your little one has been given breakfast and lunch and you’re dying to eat something so you sneak into the kitchen for a quick bowl of cereal while they’re playing in the living room. I’m convinced toddlers have the sense of smell that dogs have and while you’re trying to eat, they start calling for you and ask for a snack. With their snack in hand, you go into the living room to give it to them but they spot what you’re eating and want it immediately. Since you can’t deny your child food, one bite becomes two, then three, and before you know it, your breakfast is gone.

6. You thought changing your baby’s diapers was hard but once they hit toddlerhood, they twist themselves in ways you never thought possible (which makes putting on their diaper comparable to wrestling an octopus).

5. There’s no need to get them presents. Just give them an empty box inside another box and they’ll think it’s the greatest thing ever. For the little hummingbird’s 2nd birthday she got a playhouse and even though she liked it (I think it’s awesome and wouldn’t mind moving into it), she still preferred a moving box that we ended up placing beside the playhouse.

4. Your sweet little angel can get toddler PMS in the blink of an eye.

3. You start to think maybe your toddler is much more energetic than other kids their age so you call your mom to ask if it’s normal. She laughs her ass off and enjoys every minute of it.

2. You thought you had very little time to do things when they were just a baby but realize just how much time you actually had compared to now and want to kick your own ass for not taking advantage of it.

1. Despite everything, you would do it all over again. You never knew you could love someone so much.

When did you realize your baby had become a toddler?

I realized that Garrett had become a toddler when he started banging his head on the ground when he was frustrated or mad.  Oh the trantrums had begun! 

But sometimes it is the little things in life that make you appreciate things even more.  Mr. G has been giving the best hugs lately (and I'm a sucker for them!)  He hugs me so tightly around my neck and pats my back (did he learn that from me?).  Or how lately when we snuggle in bed he will grab my arm and hold on tight.  I treasure it now because I know that it won't last forever! 

St. Patrick's Day Mantel

St. Patrick's Day will be here before you know it!  And since I plan on taking this mantel display down immediately to get my Easter decorations up, I spent the weekend putting it together so I can admire it for awhile! 
White Candle base from DG ($3), Shamrock wreath from Factory Card Outlet (few years old), Green Pail from Target ($1), Glass Vase (attic) filled with spray painted kidney beans and battery operated white candle (Michaels $2.99), white frame ($2 Wal-Mart Clearance section), Subway Art (www.  Banner I made by cutting triangles from paper found at Michael's and hung it on green and white baker's twine (Target $1). 

Aren't teacher gifts the best!?  I found this printable at and scored the awsome St. Patty's Day soap at Bath & Body Works! 


Saturday, February 23, 2013

My Five Favorite Pictures of the Week!

It has been a very laid-back Saturday, you know the kind where you feel like you havn't accomplished anything but yet it feels so nice!  Husby wen't grocery shopping for us this morning (score!) and Mr. G and I baked some cupcakes he picked out at DG yesterday. 
I'm constantly taking pictures of my little boy.  Time has just been flying by and I want to remember every moment.  Husby would die if he saw how much I spent on getting pictures developed!  Now I just have to find the time to scrapbook them all into an album! 
Here are my 5 favorite pictures from this week:
Bed time?!  YEAH RIGHT!  Lately it has been a struggle to get Garrett to sleep.  A few months ago just one episode of Mickey Mouse would knock him out but now we are watching several episode's and maybe a Sesame Street show as well!  You don't even want to know what nap time is like! 

CHEEESSSSEEE!  Can you tell that I take ALOT of pictures?  Garrett is always picking up my camera or phone and pretending to take pictures! 

This time he was actually being nice to the dogs!  Usually he is chasing them around with a golf club until they beg us to go outside! 

MUUUAAHH!  He was really loving on the dogs this morning!  Giving them gentle kisses one minute and yelling at them to get off of the couch the next! 

This isn't really a special picture but it shows off his hair and teeth.  Some nights when he goes straight to sleep on his belly with his hair damp, he gets a colic and I secretly love it!  When his hair is spiked up it makes him look so much older, which is fine as long as he only looks older!  My little man has also been getting so many teeth in lately that I love pictures that show them off!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Day!

We had some yucky weather move in yesterday which meant that we were snowed (and lots of ice) in today!  After being stuck inside most of the day yesterday, we had to find some fun things to do today! 

Garrett found this hat on our trip to DG, which I have learned to love after moving out here (it's the only place in town that sells tampons!) 
He's recently found a new love for hats.  He loves putting them on and taking them off over and over! 

Mickey and Elmo are his favorite cartoon characters right now.  Every time we go to a store and he spots something with either of them he screams and shouts "MIMOUE" and "ELOOOO" until he has it in his hands.  Seriously, he even scored an Elmo coloring book at DG as well because it was naptime and I just wanted to get through my list without his tearing down the shelves!

We wanted to go out and play after nap but I debated because I really don't want him getting another cough, which means many sleepless nights and a very crabby toddler.  So we went to the library instead.  You see, Garrett's two favorite things in the world are dogs and books.  His book was overdue so it seemed like a good day and a good reason to get out of the house!

Before he gets involved with the books, he has to check on his baby!  He loves the baby doll there but when we go to the store and I attempt to buy him one, he refuses!
I like this bookshelf the best because it is just random books so I never have to worry about putting them back in the right place!
We were stocking up on Dr. Suess books today because this week is National Read Across America Week!
